AFRICOMM 2015 - Call for Posters & Demos
AFRICOMM'2015 is an annual conference whose aim is to bring together international researchers, students, public officers, policy makers and practitioners in ICT to discuss issues and trends, recent research, innovation advances and on-the-field experiences related to e-Governance, e-Infrastructure, and e-Business with a focus on developing countries. This year, we extend invitation to researchers (especially Postgraduate students at Masters and Doctoral level) to submit research in progress to the AFRICOMM'2015 PostersTrack.
The Posters Track aims to be a forum for peers, practitioners and established researchers from diverse backgrounds to interact and exchange preliminary results about their research. The areas addressed by the Posters are the same as the main conference (AFRICOMM 2015).
Submissions should take the form of a 2-page poster abstract. Authors of successful submissions will be required to submit a poster for display during the main conference.
Contributions should be submitted electronically as PDF in Confy system
Important dates
Submission deadline: 4 November 2015
Notification of Acceptance: 11 November 2015
Camera-Ready Deadline: 15 November 2015